我要領券網 > AeroGarden優惠碼 > AeroGarden

  • 網站名稱:AeroGarden
  • 網站地址:http://www.aerogarden.com
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、paypal
  • 網站簡介:aerogrow國際,公司是創造者,消費者對室內園林AeroGarden線製造商和銷售商。該AeroGarden無汙物,無亂塞和成長係統使園藝的樂趣,輕鬆,和萬無一失。該AeroGarden是人們喜歡用新鮮的藥草和蔬菜煮極受歡迎,園丁,想在冬季和任何人喜歡鮮花種植草本植物或蔬菜,一年到頭。同時,該AeroGarden打造完美的禮物!
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    I don't have much of a green thumb or any expertise in gardening so when my husband got these as a gift, I was convinced it was a bad idea. But then, I decided to give it a go and not waste the money. It is super duper easy to set this mini garden up. By 10 mins, I was done setting it up which was pretty quick. The maintenance is very low and it also does not take a lot of space. The system lets me know when I have to add water and plant food so hassle is low too. Love this and can't wait for my herbs to grow
    They won't answer the phone.The phone can be answered remotely. They are blocking people from the chat. I have tried all browsers for try to use chat so the problem is on their end. Apparently they only want to talk to people through email.Not a good first impression.