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    Warning: file_get_contents(http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate?&doctype=json&type=EN2ZH_CN&i=My Husband, my Grandkids, and I have watched WWE for a long time. Unfortunately it's about time to stop. I understand it's for entertainment only, but if they are going to wrestle, and act like badashe's, at least make it look real. We watched it last night 3/9/2020, and was VERY disappointed. Edge was in the ring with Randy, and MVP, he was acting like he was hitting MVP with the chair, not even coming close. I know he has been out for awhile, he should have stayed out longer.): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /www/wwwroot/htyhm.com/t/caiji/sitejabber.php on line 96
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":63,"translateResult":[[{"src":"My two shirts tore apart in the wash only two months after I purchased them. ","tgt":"我的兩個洗的襯衣撕開後僅兩個月我購買它們。"},{"src":"These products are poorly produced much like the garbage that they put on television. ","tgt":"這些產品都是爛就像他們把電視上的垃圾。"},{"src":"I will now be getting my enjoyment of wrestling from AEW.","tgt":"我將會讓我享受AEW的摔跤。"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":136,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I have been watching wwe for the past decade and in the last couple of years I have lost interest it is a joke especially when brock Lesnar comes and goes as he pleases all done boring turned to AEW","tgt":"我一直看著wwe在過去的十年,在過去的幾年裏我已經失去興趣了這是一個笑話尤其是布魯克決戰,他轉向AEW都無聊"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":80,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Me and my husband are both military and he is deployed so for Christmas decided surprise my son, whom loves wrestling but has never attended alive event, with tickets for me, him and my husband","tgt":"我和我的丈夫都是軍事部署,他因此聖誕節決定吃驚的是我的兒子,誰愛摔跤但從未參加活著事件,門票我,他和我的丈夫"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":50,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Iam a big fan of wwe and i have been watching it since my childhood. ","tgt":"我喜歡wwe以來,我一直在看我的童年。"},{"src":"Good wrestling show and entertainment","tgt":"良好的摔跤節目和娛樂"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":38,"translateResult":[[{"src":"This story line were baron corbin is being mistreated is uncalled for. ","tgt":"這個故事線是男爵卡賓被虐待是不必要的。"},{"src":"Wrestling is going down hill.","tgt":"摔跤是山。"},{"src":"its sad that people act like ignorant fools.","tgt":"悲傷的人們像無知的傻瓜。"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":18,"translateResult":[[{"src":"This business is a piece of $","tgt":"這個業務是一塊美元"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":47,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Had been to a wwe event recently and had the greatest time of my life. ","tgt":"最近是wwe事件,我一生中最偉大的時光。"},{"src":"The atmosphere is so lively and amazing.","tgt":"氣氛很活潑並且很神奇的。"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":78,"translateResult":[[{"src":"This site saves my time of going to a shopping mall beacuse it is a shopping mall it-self. ","tgt":"這個網站可以節省我的時間去購物中心吧,是一個購物中心本身。"},{"src":"It is also very easy to order and return a product and the thing is it is 100颺usted. ","tgt":"也非常容易秩序和返回一個產品和100颺您。"},{"src":"I am a reguler buyer. ","tgt":"我是一個reguler買家。"},{"src":"So I don","tgt":"所以我也"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":85,"translateResult":[[{"src":"My family have to save alot of money to go watch wwe raw live shows in Manchester, Birmingham, sheffield(hardly now) but the meet and greet never happens. ","tgt":"我的家人必須省下很多錢去看wwe原始現場表演在曼徹斯特,伯明翰,謝菲爾德(現在幾乎沒有),但見麵打招呼從來沒有發生。"},{"src":"The superstars do the show then go. ","tgt":"然後在做節目超級巨星。"},{"src":"Its unfair why us England fans get ignored. ","tgt":"它的不公平為什麽我們英格蘭球迷被忽略了。"},{"src":"We pay enough for the seats. ","tgt":"我們支付足夠的席位。"},{"src":"Wont be going any more watch on tv instead.","tgt":"不會去了而不是看電視。"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":271,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I just got done watching roman reigns fight in Wrestlemania and its sad that he walks around and acts like he is so good at fighting and he calls himself head of table and everybody should acknowledge him but the funny thing is he cant even wrestle he has to have help hahaha he is a loser if you cant fight without help then you ARE NOT A TRUE WRESTLER boooooooooooooo you can stop him if he can do a true fight with no help so... ","tgt":"我剛看完羅馬統治鬥爭在摔角狂熱和悲傷,他走來走去,就像他如此擅長格鬥,他戲稱自己的桌子和每個人都應該承認他,但有趣的是他甚至不能解決他必須幫助哈哈哈他是一個失敗者,如果你不能戰鬥沒有幫助你就不是一個真正的摔跤手boooooooooooooo阻止他,如果他可以做一個真正的戰鬥,沒有幫助所以\u2026"},{"src":"LEAVE JEY USO OUT! ","tgt":"離開USO傑米!"},{"src":"Technically Edge pinned Daniel Bryan down first so edge should be the wwe champ of wrestlemania!","tgt":"技術優勢壓倒丹尼爾·布萊恩先邊緣應該摔角狂熱的wwe冠軍!"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":58,"translateResult":[[{"src":"It is still ok for me as a great fan but guys... ","tgt":"它仍然是好的對我作為一個偉大的球迷但是人\u2026"},{"src":"more payments and payments for anything? ","tgt":"更多的支付和支付嗎?"},{"src":"I understand that our century is all about it, but give some mercy on us..","tgt":"我明白我們的世紀,但給一些可憐我們. ."}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":87,"translateResult":[[{"src":"How can Brock lesner Come in the last paper view and be kofi Kingston in less than 9 Seconds. ","tgt":"布魯克lesner進來怎麽最後論文視圖和科菲·金斯頓在小於9秒。"},{"src":"Every time I watch monday night raw or smackdown I have never see brock lesnar fight a match he always comes in either on pay per view or some other bull$","tgt":"每次我看周一晚上生的或攻擊波我從未看到布洛克決戰打一場比賽他總是在支付每視圖或其他一些牛美元"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":69,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Worst customer experience ever. ","tgt":"史上最糟糕的用戶體驗。"},{"src":"Give you a run around and blame everyone but themselves for mistakes. ","tgt":"給你一個東奔西跑,責怪自己以外的每一錯誤。"},{"src":"Take money out of your account when they feel like it. ","tgt":"拿錢當他們覺得從你的帳戶。"},{"src":"Will keep opening incidence cases and do nothing until you get tired of dealing with them and do absolutely nothing for you","tgt":"將繼續開放入射情況下,什麽也不做直到你厭倦了處理他們,對你什麽都不做嗎"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":7,"translateResult":[[{"src":"WWE has it","tgt":"WWE它"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":71,"translateResult":[[{"src":"The WWE does not have good stories and do not know how to use talent. ","tgt":"WWE沒有好的故事和不知道如何使用人才。"},{"src":"Brock being the champ for almost a year but being the champ who s never there is boring... ","tgt":"布洛克在近一年的冠軍,但冠軍年代從未有誰無聊\u2026\u2026"},{"src":"Seth is suppose to be the net big thing? ","tgt":"賽斯是假設淨大事?"},{"src":"They want to wonder why their ratings are low two champs got their titles for hitting the other guy in the ball","tgt":"他們想知道為什麽他們的評級較低兩個冠軍頭銜在球觸及另一個人"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":56,"translateResult":[[{"src":"They continue to take money from my account after I canceled. ","tgt":"他們繼續把錢從我的帳戶後,我取消了。"},{"src":"And McMann continues to push the envelope and have the wrestlers do crazy things that could kill them. ","tgt":"McMann繼續推進的摔跤手做瘋狂的事情,可以殺死他們。"},{"src":"All for MONEY... ","tgt":"所有的錢\u2026"},{"src":"disgusting.","tgt":"惡心。"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":263,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Predictable wwe fan bait and switch Finn Balor will die against Brock Lesner if he survives Brock with jump Balor and for a second time in 4 years Balor will have to relinquish his title and Brock will request his title back and Vince will fold like a fake steal chair smackdown is another flop old rundown stars molding future stars but sucking the spotlight from the entire show with drawn out storylines showcasing a once decent career is repetitive also faces losing instant rematch requests live on air but Nakamura","tgt":"可預測wwe風扇誘餌對布魯克Lesner芬恩巴洛會死如果他幸存布魯克跳巴洛和4年來第二次巴洛將不得不放棄他的標題和布魯克將請求他的頭銜,文斯將褶皺像假偷椅子攻擊波是另一個失敗的老破舊明星造型未來之星,但吸聚光燈從整個節目畫出故事情節展示一次體麵的職業是重複的也麵臨著失去即時複賽請求住在空氣但中村"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":0,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Hi I","tgt":"嗨,我"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":109,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I was going to Ted garden Boston on March 25 but me and my family prefer to stay home, instead to waste my money on the show that has a horrible manager ruining my night out","tgt":"我要泰德波士頓花園3月25日,但我和我的家人喜歡呆在家裏,而不是浪費我的錢在表明一個可怕的經理毀了我晚上出去玩"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":54,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I subscribed a few months ago and I have been so excited about all the content available! ","tgt":"我訂購了幾個月前,我如此興奮所有可用的內容!"},{"src":"I swear you could go years watching and still not see everything! ","tgt":"我發誓你會年看,仍然沒有看到一切!"},{"src":"All my 80","tgt":"我所有的80"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":25,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I have a couple ideas for WWE","tgt":"我有幾個關於WWE的想法"}]]}