我要領券網 > SowInn優惠碼 > SowInn

  • 網站名稱:SowInn
  • 網站地址:http://www.snowinn.com/
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、paypal
  • 網站簡介:SNOWINN是來自西班牙的滑雪產網上零售商店,在線銷售兒童服裝、單板滑雪板、固定器、女士滑雪服、女士滑雪靴、男士滑雪服、男士滑雪靴等。
  • 點評

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    STAY AWAY! DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY! We ordered ski boots. We immediately received a $14 "international" transaction charge. We received the wrong size and wrong boots. Immediately tried to return. Took the several days to get a return label sent to us. When it was sent it only allowed DHL shipping (even though USPS is offered in their site). We live in Aspen, the closest DHL is over 2 hours away. We're stuck and customer service is NOT helpful. Trying to now contest the charge with our credit card company. My husband save up for a year for new ski boots, such a disappointment and such a scam!