我要領券網 > Saucony優惠碼 > Saucony

  • 網站名稱:Saucony
  • 網站地址:http://www.saucony.com
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、美国paypal
  • 網站簡介:索康尼品牌在美國享有“運動鞋中的勞斯萊斯”美譽,公司總部位於美國,具有100多年的曆史,產品分為專業運動係列和運動休閑係列兩大類,是全球四大慢跑鞋品牌之一。
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    I am a Saucony fan and loyalist, and have worn the same model for many years. It is designed for a high arch and pronation. They are so comfortable and perfect for my feet that I often dread having to wear ordinary street shoes. I also use a Spenco orthotic for further high arch support... but this is not necessary for all runners and walkers. Every now and then Saucony does a promotion of a classic model in some fun wild color... my last investment was hot pink. There is no other running shoe for me. Five stars for Saucony.