我要領券網 > MaxStudio優惠碼 > MaxStudio

  • 網站名稱:MaxStudio
  • 網站地址:http://www.maxstudio.com
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express
  • 網站簡介:MaxStudio由美國著名時裝設計師李昂·麥克斯於1979年創建, 是菲妮迪國際時裝有限公司旗下品牌之一,曾受到美國時尚雜誌、洛杉磯等時裝媒體的讚賞。MaxStudio為現代女性帶來時尚的視覺享受和摩登的都市體驗。
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    I have a large collection of max, but I miss the stores in the NYC area. This is the issue with the online-only presence of Max Studio. You have to guess if the size is correct, and hope for the best. Really great shoes, but I have no idea as to what is fit or no because most come from China and I have an Italian foot. Fantastic sale prices, but customer service is all about keeping the money at Maxstudio and not returning it to you. Do your homework and be sure before buying- call customer serivce a few times and make sure you are clear about size and fit.