我要領券網 > Coursera優惠碼 > Coursera

  • 網站名稱:Coursera
  • 網站地址:http://www.coursera.org
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、paypal
  • 網站簡介:Coursera是免費大型公開在線課程項目,由美國斯坦福大學兩名計算機科學教授創辦。旨在同世界頂尖大學合作,在線提供免費的網絡公開課程。Coursera 的首批合作院校包括斯坦福大學、密歇根大學、普林斯頓大學、賓夕法尼亞大學等美國名校。
    Coursera與另外1達成合作協議。其課程報名學生突破了150萬,來自全球190多個國家和地區,而網站注冊學生為68萬。注冊124 門課程。目前新增的大學包括了佐治亞理工學院、杜克大學、華盛頓大學、加州理工學院、萊斯大學、愛丁堡大學、多倫多大學、洛桑聯邦理工學院 - 洛桑(瑞士)、約翰·霍普金斯大學公共衛生學院、加州大學舊金山分校、伊利諾伊大學厄巴納 - 香檳分校以及弗吉尼亞大學。
  • 點評

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    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":106,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Learning languages section: Chinese and Russian. ","tgt":"學習語言部分:中國和俄羅斯。"},{"src":"Are you serious? ","tgt":"你是認真的嗎?"},{"src":"Funny thing is learning Russian was requirement when the USSR was trying to take over Poland when my mom was going to school and they just wont let up. ","tgt":"有趣的是學習俄語時要求蘇聯試圖接管波蘭我媽媽上學時,他們就不會放棄。"},{"src":"Sadly it is very obvious that the only languages they offer are from communist countries... ","tgt":"遺憾的是它非常明顯,他們提供的唯一語言是共產主義國家\u2026\u2026"},{"src":"and of course they are located in Mountain View. ","tgt":"當然,他們都位於山景城。"},{"src":"Just another faulty internat company destroying the area I grew up in.","tgt":"隻是一個錯誤的我成長在國際的公司破壞區域。"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":35,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Got redirected to the coursera site from microsoft cloud certification site. ","tgt":"被重定向到coursera站點從微軟雲認證的網站。"},{"src":"Despite the course tag being","tgt":"盡管課程標記"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":96,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Dont enrol with them and specially not_For the free trials. ","tgt":"不注冊和他們特別not_For免費試用。"},{"src":"I tried to cancel in my free trial period and is just imposible! ","tgt":"我在免費試用期和試圖取消是不現實!"},{"src":"Is writen there they will charge me after free trial is over 49 $, and if I want to cancel I simply cannot because is saying I do not have any subscriptions!","tgt":"寫有免費試用結束後他們將收取我49美元,如果我想取消我不能因為說我沒有任何訂閱!"},{"src":"_What imposters!","tgt":"_What騙子!"},{"src":"_I see so many ppl complain, is there really nobody to check on them why they doing this?","tgt":"_I看到那麽多的人抱怨,真的有沒人檢查他們為什麽這樣做?"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":135,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I signed up for the It certificate program I completed the first one course and completed the 2nd course however, according to them it said I failed when I know I passed, I even took screenshots showing that I passed but on their end it automatically shows that you failed it","tgt":"我報名參加了證書計劃我完成第一個課程和完成第二課程不過,據他們說我失敗了,當我知道我通過了,我甚至把截圖顯示,我經過,但是他們最終它會自動顯示,你失敗了"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":99,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I have an unauthorized charge for $49 from Coursera on my credit card today (Feb-26,2021). ","tgt":"我有一個未經授權的收費49美元從我的信用卡Coursera今天(2月26,2021)。"},{"src":"I took a free trial of 7 days from Coursera but to my surprise they charged me hefty amount after the trial ended without giving any notification. ","tgt":"我花了7天的免費試用Coursera但讓我驚訝的是他們囑咐我高額量試驗結束後不給予任何通知。"},{"src":"Problem date: Feb-26,2021 Order Number:","tgt":"問題時間:2月26,2021訂單號:"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":33,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I really enjoyed two courses (management and business). ","tgt":"我非常喜歡兩門課程(管理和業務)。"},{"src":"But another (programming) course was very, very long. ","tgt":"但另一個(編程)課程非常長。"},{"src":"Overall a good experience!","tgt":"總體良好的體驗!"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":37,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Advertisement claimed free month, nope free week and then BAM $50 charge. ","tgt":"廣告聲稱免費,不免費一周然後BAM 50美元。"},{"src":"Certificates are a joke to potential employers.","tgt":"證書是一個笑話,潛在的雇主。"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":37,"translateResult":[[{"src":"This a waste of time and money in using this","tgt":"這在使用這個浪費時間和金錢"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":38,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Thanks Coursera for lots of free courses, You helped to not waste quarantine entirely. ","tgt":"感謝Coursera很多免費的課程,你不要浪費了完全隔離。"},{"src":"Please, we need more free courses","tgt":"請,我們需要更多的免費課程"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":36,"translateResult":[[{"src":"They took $400 from me and I got nothing. ","tgt":"他們花了400美元從我,我什麽也沒得到。"},{"src":"No course, no opportunity for a refund.","tgt":"沒有課程,沒有退款的機會。"},{"src":"_They are bandits and have no conscious about there actions. ","tgt":"_They是強盜行為,沒有關注那裏。"},{"src":"Don","tgt":"不"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":91,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I got two courses from them and the third one was fiasco. ","tgt":"我有兩個課程,第三個是慘敗。"},{"src":"The first two were OK but the third one which was Python for beginners and was supposed to be free for one week I wasn","tgt":"前兩個是好的但第三個Python對於初學者來說,應該是一個星期我還免費"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":53,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I took about 30 courses from this site and all of them were well made and educational. ","tgt":"我從這個網站花了30課程,都是製作精良,教育。"},{"src":"As they say - stay hungry, stay curious!","tgt":"正如他們所說,保持饑餓,保持好奇!"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":43,"translateResult":[[{"src":"This company is a joke. ","tgt":"本公司是一個笑話。"},{"src":"I contacted support right away when my mouse accidentally clicked on the subscribe button. ","tgt":"我馬上聯係支持當鼠標不小心點擊訂閱按鈕。"},{"src":"But they told me","tgt":"但是他們告訴我"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":106,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I like Coursera but I feel it would be fair to warn people of my mistake and that was to pay for a signature track in full in advance months ahead.","tgt":"我喜歡Coursera但我覺得是公平的我的錯誤和警告人們提前全額支付簽名追蹤數月。"},{"src":"__Problem 1._Didn","tgt":"1. __Problem _didn"}]]}
    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":53,"translateResult":[[{"src":"I am sorry to observe that the Coursera program is not user friendly. ","tgt":"我很抱歉觀察到Coursera程序不是用戶友好。"},{"src":"I find that I must go through 6 to 8 Recaptcha questions to access my account. ","tgt":"我發現我必須經過6到8 Recaptcha問題訪問我的帳戶。"},{"src":"If I want to log into a class four to five time a day to study, I","tgt":"如果我想要登陸一個類四到五次一天學習,我"}]]}

    ©2008 網易公司

    {"type":"EN2ZH_CN","errorCode":0,"elapsedTime":56,"translateResult":[[{"src":"Spent a week doing a course to finish within the free trial period and earn a certificate. ","tgt":"花了一個星期做一個免費試用期內完成,獲得一個證書。"},{"src":"Got to the very very last step where I submitted my essay and had to peer review 3 other essays. ","tgt":"到了最後一步,我提交了我的文章,不得不同行評審3其他文章。"},{"src":"When it came to the last and final 3rd essay to peer review, the message came","tgt":"在最後和最終的第三篇同行審查,信息來了"}]]}

    ©2008 網易公司


    ©2008 網易公司


    ©2008 網易公司