我要領券網 > Kidrobot優惠碼 > Kidrobot

  • 網站名稱:Kidrobot
  • 網站地址:http://www.kidrobot.com
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、paypal
  • 網站簡介:由設計師保羅布德尼茲創立於2002,Kidrobot是世界首屈一指的設計師和零售商的限量版藝術玩具和服裝。Kidrobot融合城市街道的趨勢,時尚,藝術和流行藝術生產的限量版,珍藏的玩具和服裝。Kidrobot產品特征獨特合作與國際頂尖藝術家的背景塗鴉,不同的藝術,時尚,工業設計,平麵設計,插圖,和音樂。
  • 點評

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    Warning: file_get_contents(http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate?&doctype=json&type=EN2ZH_CN&i=Placed order in April, 2021 for item scheduled for delivery in second quarter of 2021. Then it was rescheduled for August, then the third quarter, then the first quarter 2022 now either the first or second quarter 2022. This in spite of the fact that the item is listed as sold out. Have never dealt with a company that is so flaky. It's a shame. It is an item by Frank Kozik, an artist I have been following since he was putting out music on Rise Records in the 90s. Now I will have nothing to do with Kozik or the company he now works for ever again. My advice... if you want to buy from Kidrobot, do not pre-order.): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /www/wwwroot/htyhm.com/t/caiji/sitejabber.php on line 96

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